Raw Fettuccine Alfredo

“Fettuccine Alfredo is the macaroni and cheese for adults.” ~ Mitch Hedburg


Fettuccine Alfredo is one of the most loved pasta dishes and comfort foods, but unfortunately it is also among the unhealthiest.  White pasta, cream, butter and cheese make up this creamy dish along with a hefty portion of your daily calories.  But, as always there is a better way!


This raw Fettuccine Alfredo is fast and super simple to make, is much lower in fat and calories, is low carb and vegan.  I recommend letting your spiralized zucchini drain overnight in the fridge as it has a tendency to water down the sauce quite a bit with this recipe unless you have given it at least a couple of hours to drain.  In the name of speed, take five minutes to spiralize your zucchini and drain the night before so all you have to do is blend your sauce, chop a few veggies, toss and eat making this the ultimate healthy ten-minute dinner.


I'm making this gluten-free, paleo, vegan, raw Fettuccine Alfredo tonight! Via @bcnutritionista


Raw Fettuccine Alfredo


2 large zucchinis, peeled or unpeeled



1/2 C raw cashews, soaked

1/4 C raw pine nuts, soaked

1/4 C raw macadamia nuts, soaked

2Tb-1/4 C filtered water

juice of half a fresh lemon

1-2 cloves of garlic, to taste

2 tsp cold pressed extra virgin olive oil

1/8 tsp nutmeg

1 tsp fresh thyme

Himalayan rock salt and fresh pepper to taste



1 C chopped cherry tomatoes

1 C chopped cremini or shiitake mushrooms

1 C chopped broccoli florets

2 cups baby spinach or other tender green, massaged if desired (will give the spinach a cooked texture and appearance)


Spiralize the zucchinis using the flat “fettuccine” blade of a Spirooli/spiral slicer.


Alternately slice your zucchini into long noodles with a vegetable peeler or mandolin.  Using the same technique as the basic Zucchini Noodles, sprinkle with a pinch of salt, toss and place into a sieve to drain over a bowl for at least an hour but ideally overnight in the fridge.  I have found that if I don’t drain the noodles at least a couple of hours/overnight they really water down the sauce and make more of a creamy noodle soup than fettuccine Alfredo.  You will end up with long, curly, broad fettuccine noodles.


Combine all of the sauce ingredients into a high speed blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Taste, and adjust for seasoning and texture, adding a little more water if necessary.  If you would like this sauce to be warm, blend in a high speed blender for 3-4 minutes to warm the sauce.  Toss the sauce with the drained zucchini fettuccine noodles and chopped vegetables until well combined.  Garnish with fresh herbs and serve immediately. Enjoy!



I'm making this gluten-free, paleo, vegan, raw Fettuccine Alfredo tonight! Via @bcnutritionista

As always, I love knowing how this turned out for you.  Please let me know in the comments below and on Facebook!

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© 2013 Nutritionista.  Erin Luyendyk, RHN.  All rights reserved.

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2 thoughts on “Raw Fettuccine Alfredo

  1. Cathy

    Easy to make and delicious. I will be trying this out on vegetarian dinner guests. Thank you for posting. 🙂


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